نظام يستخدم  للتحكم فى اخراج البراز وهو يعمل كبديل لعمل العضلات العاصرة للشرج ومازال العلم يتقدم

ملاحظة: انا مازلت لم اصل الى مرحلة التجربة لمثل هذه النظم مع ابنتى انا انشرها فقط لبث الامل ومتابعة كل جديد
هذه الشركة لها وكيل بمصر
ورابط موقعها موجود بنهاية المقال بالضغط على كلمة المصدر
وجارى ترجمة المقال كما بامكانكم استخدام قائمة الترجمة بموقعنا اعلى القائمة الرئيسية يسار

Acticon Neosphincter

The Acticon® Neosphincter is used in men and women over age 18 to treat severe fecal incontinence when less invasive treatments have failed. It is a small, fluid-filled device that is completely implanted within the body. Once placed, no parts are visible. It is designed to mimic the natural function of the anal sphincter muscle, giving you control over bowel movements.


The Acticon Neosphincter offers many benefits to women suffering from fecal incontinence:

  • Improved control of bowel movements — Designed to mimic the natural function of the anal sphincter muscle, Acticon can help give you control over your bowel movements.
  • All components are internal — All of the components are implanted within your body, so no one but you will know it is there.
  • Easy to use — After Acticon is activated, you will be able to control your bowel movements by simply squeezing and releasing the lower, soft part of the control pump several times when you want to defecate.

* These comments are based on the types of experiences relayed in monitored chat rooms where patients have shared their experiences. They are not reflective of individual patients, and may not be typical for all users.





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من Waad